Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dare You To Move - Switchfoot.

We're back!! Going into a Phase 2, we thought our blog needed to go into a 2.0 as well. How do you find the new blogskin? I was trying my best to make it not look like "me". Give me your feedback if you want to tweak it a little here and there.

Anyway, hello (:
How have you prayer warriors been?

As an LYPG we've been slacking and feel into a transition period were everything was pretty much a blur. Things have been stagnant. We had misty vision and like in those days, went around in circles.
That is all going to change from now on.
We came together and prayed to seek after God's heart for what He wants us to do. And finally, God has given us direction! We now have pieces of a puzzle of what we know is God's big plan for this nation, Malaysia. It's going to be an exciting year! You wouldn't want to miss out on what God is doing in your Malaysia ;)

There are so many reason of why we 18 year old's don't want to pray for Malaysia, and maybe you who are less than 18 would agree too. Often we say,
I'm too young
I don't really know how to pray
Malaysia memang no hope already, this sucha waste of time
I'm not good enough

We're never good enough and we're never worthy of our callings, that's why we often say `God, Your garce is sufficient. I have made so many mistakes in my life, most I cannot take back. I'm a sinner + a lot of other things. Why we choose to pray for this nation then? Let me put it in numbers for you (:
1) My righteousness is like a filthy rag. And when I say His grace is sufficient for me -what I'm saying is Jesus has died for me, He washed away my sins and His righteousness because of what He has done, is the one that clothes me. I am only worthy because I'm with Him. t's like going for a VIP party. You can't get in cause you're just Sue Ann, 18. But when you go with the most important person, that changes everything. You get my drift? ;)
2) I am a Malaysian. And I am a christian. Both of which were called by God for me to be.
3) I believe in a God that does the impossible. I may doubt Him sometimes, but when I look at the universe.. or even something simpler, my body and how it functions. These everyday miracles make me go `Woah God, You are Almighty :O
He can use you and it doesn't matter how old you are, or how well you speak. Moses didn't speak well either. And God used him ohso mightily. ...If Malaysia really had no hope, then all the more we should cry out to heaven and ask the God who gives hope and is hope into this land. I ain't gonna see my country go down without a fight! Haha, are you?
4) Prayer is what fuels the work of God. We believe that. And we want to see more of God in this nation, in our schools, universities, colleges. This is definitely not enough. We want to see changes and we want a better tomorrow. We wants to see what God has in store, His great big and marvelous plan for the nation.
5) Sings* -And we can see that God you're moving
A mighty river through the nations
And young and old will turn to Jesus
Fling wide your heavenly gates
Prepare the way of the risen Lord

Open up the doors and let the music play
Let the streets resound with singing
Songs that bring your hope

Songs that bring your joy
Dancers who dance upon injustice
- Did you feel the mountains tremble? Hillsongs.

I don't want to just sing of these great things,
I want to live them.


So even if your green, have ear wax that you can use to make candles, and you look exactly like Shrek; If you're a talking donkey, OR all the above, haha. We'd love to meet you!! And we'd want very much for you to be apart of our LYPG family Come and see what God is doing in Malaysia. See you Saturday!

Love, Sueann.


  1. Glad to see the come back :)

    "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Luke 10:2
