Friday, February 13, 2009

The 2nd LYPG

The song on one of the Astro adverts kept ringing in my mind for quite a while. It's the Boyzone's "Love You Anyway". It goes like this, "It's unbelievably hard to love you but I love you anyway". The guy is trying hard not to love this girl who isn't loving him back.

It got me thinking, would God ever feel that way? It's hard to like someone who doesn't like you back, isn't it? Yet, God,
who loves us SO MUCH MORE than how we could love others, sometimes just doesn't get our attention. Is it hard for Him to love us too?

God certainly cares for each one of us and He is ever willing to hear and speak to us. At the last LYPG (2nd meeting), we sang songs, praised God, prayed, heard from God and we shared what He spoke to us. Among some of the things shared was TRUST in God. Many shared of the need to trust Him wholeheartedly and fully depending on Him. There's a need to surrender our all and not go our own way. Perhaps it's like getting ourselves blindfolded while we, by faith, wait for God to direct our paths.

Many others also shared about REST. "COME to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28. Are we getting tired and bogged down? God calls us to draw near to Him, just enjoy His presence, be refreshed and energized to love Him more and serve Him better.

Also, at the meeting, we had the opportunity to learn more about the happenings in our nations and we prayed for the concerns. LYPG is a place for us to gather and pray for the needs of our nation and we recognise that God is sovereign! It's a place for us to gather from our various background to stand united in prayer.

So if you've missed our first few gathering, don't worry. Just join us at our next meeting on the 21st of Feb, 11am-1pm at PPBC (refer to map below). If you'd like to, we could have lunch together as well. As we look forward to our next meeting, may we remember what was shared at our first KL/PJ LYPG, which is CONSISTENCY. Keep praying, people! Don't let the fire die. Keep praying!

Happy Valentine's Day :)
And, remember to tell God you love Him!


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