When I first heard of 'bersatunite' concert I was excited. The thought of having youths from different churches, denominations and backgrounds uniting for a night of prayer, worship and passion really caught my attention. I've been brought up knowing the power of prayer and the importance of it, and seeing various youths coming together with a heart and passion for unity and prayer ignited the fire in my own heart to be a part of this wave of revival.
I began my journey by train towards KL Wesley Methodist that night on the 10th of January which began at 7.30pm. When arrived I was shocked initially to find the old traditional nicely decorated Methodist building with an amazing sound system and colourful lights amplified around me. It was my first time in a 'modern' traditional church. The pews had been removed to be able to accomodate the hundreds of youths who would soon be standing all over and filling the church. And soon enough, almost 400 youths, 360 and some adults to be exact were in attendance. The hall was packed.
The night started off with a couple of announcements and worship. The worship was led by youths from various Methodist churches, even as far as youths from Kuantan. After an amazing time of worshipping and coming into the presence of God, we were led into a time of worship by Juwita Suwito. She has an amazing voice and it was the first time I've watched her sing live after hearing about her for a long time. God's presence was indeed in our midts as youths from all over welcomed His spirit into their lives and their churches.
After worship there was some time of prayer, 3 youths from 3 different churches, a baptist, presbyterian and methodist youth represented their various denominations, and asked God for forgiveness and to unite us once again. The atmosphere of prayer was great and I could actually feel as though a sense of unity in purpose and prayer was filling the room. The speaker, Pastor Raymond Raj, gave an inspiring message about unity and the importance of it.
After that, another 3 more youths came onstage to represent the schooling students, the uni and college students and the working adults. Elaine, from PPBC, mentioned the importance of prayer and the amazing things that happen when you pray, Eunice, from FGA Cheras, gave an inspiring speech on what has been happening with the youths in prayer in Malaysia and Yew Meng gave a challenge to the young working adults to 'catch on' with this movement and really be 'history makers' once again. Yoshua, from a Presbyterian church, gave his analogy of young adults from 25-35, who are sitting in their fighter jets waiting and getting tired, but God is saying; now is the time to fly!.
The message was brought forth that this bersatunite event will be continuing further with KL/PJ 'Local Youth Prayer Gatherings' following up after the event, which will start of in People's Park Baptist Church on the 17th February! The meeting ended with Juwita Suwito singing some songs and the song 'Satu Suara'; a call to ALL christians and churches to unite as One Voice in order to see changes and have peace in Malaysia. The night ended in fellowship and people building connections with each other; I was excited to see many familiar faces and to be able to encourage many others to continue to work together to see God's will be done in our lives, the church and nation of Malaysia.
All in all I really thank God that I am a part of this movement, not for any other motives but really to see christian youths from all over Malaysia unite their hearts, put their differences aside and come together to seek His face! It's time the christian youths rise up to set an example for the next generations to follow; not to harbour bitterness and live in strive with one another, but truly as the body of Christ; we may be of many parts but we are ALL in one body. To the glory of God!
till the next Local Youth Prayer Gathering, God Bless!
Japheth Chew
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